Tropic Gardener

Flowers without soil.
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We must have soil to grow flowers. That is, unless we are trying hydroponics, which I am not. This type of flower surprised me--no soil needed.

Large Orchid
Before our wedding my bride-to-be expressed the desire to carry a Bible with an orchid on top, a large orchid such as comes from Hawaii.

Orchids truly are gorgeous flowers and look rather fragile. However, I have found that they are not as easily damaged as I had suspected. I also learned that not all orchids are the type in the picture here. This picture is not of one that I grew. My orchids are much smaller. In fact, I now have two types, one which is a little more than an inch across and a tiny variety.

Roots Need No Soil
A friend gave me an orchid plant before I moved to where I now live. It was in a plastic pot with charcoal around it and some type of dried moss. There was NO SOIL.

I was ready to buy some topsoil and plant the orchid plant in a clay pot so it would do better. However, the one who gave me the plant said, "Do not use soil. It will kill the plant." Since I had never been accustomed to orchids, I agreed. As instructed, I tied the plant against one of my sugar palm trees and watered it from time to time. Of course, I suspected it would not survive.


The orchid which I was given.

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