Tropic Gardener

About Roger

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Many readers like to know about the author of this site. Here I will tell you a little about myself and my background.

Brief History of Roger Harris

Born in Ohio in 1941 but raised in Indiana, I was a farm boy. My dad put me in the driver's seat of a Massey-Ferguson tractor around age six. He had ulcers so I had to disc the newly plowed fields before he would give them the second discing. I grew up with farming in my days and nights, watching an orphan piglet being kept in a box behind the wood-burning cookstove, helping load baled hay onto wagons, catching chickens at night when they escaped the chicken coop. All of these were my early life. It is a great way to live.

At age 17, I bowed at the altar of the local conservative church and gave myself away, to my Maker, Jesus Christ. That is the most life changing experience of my life.

I married at age 24, had two biological children and adopted a street kid from the Philippines (who is now a US citizen and living in Indiana). Feeling the call to do missionary work, I have worked in many countries and am now retired and living in Asia.

Farming: it has always been a big part of my interest, especially botanical aspects of the profession. If I had not received a call to missionary work, I would probably have been a farmer like my dad was.

Roger Lee Harris

I have written a Christian Novel. Click Here.


Self Rewinding Hose Reels

The world you create is the world you will live in.