Tropic Gardener

Mountain Apple
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I searched for some time for a name for this fruit. I have seen them, and bought a few, in stores and even from venders along the road. Finally, I found that one common name for this cute little fruit is Mountain Apple.

Bell-shaped fruit.
When I first saw them in this country where I now live, I thought that they would be great for trimming a Christmas tree since they are shaped like little bells. Also, I noticed that stores sold three colors of them, red, pink and green. I did not know whether those three colors were degrees of ripeness or if the trees produced them in those colors. Now, I know that each tree produces one particular color.

When I did some research, I learned that they may also be called Malay apples and that they grow best on higher elevations in the tropics. Trees have been known to get to 50 feet in height at times.

My Mountain Apple
I know! I know! It is not very tall yet, only about 3 feet. It was given to me by a neighbor. At that time it was about 6 inches in height and growing in a tin can. That was a year ago or a little longer. I am happy with it now and can hardly wait until it blooms and gets fruit.

As usual, since my ground is totally limestone, the stump of a mountain that was removed to make this subdivision, I had to bring in topsoil, cow manure and use some fertilizer. I water it well and pull off any leaves that seem to have insect pests or their cacoons.

I want to put up another picture whenever the little tree begins to put on fruit so you can see it. I know, however, that these fruits get little worms in them. I have found some at times.


Does your garden or orchard have insect pests?

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Do you know what is worse than finding a worm in an apple?
The answer is simple. What is worse than finding a worm in an apple is finding half a worm.