Tropic Gardener
Beefsteak Tomatoes
Known around the world now since they were exported from the Americas, tomatoes vary in size, shape and even color. I have
recently tried beefsteak tomatoes. That is their common name.
Love Apples
Originally thought by many Europeans to be poisonous, tomatoes are now one of the most popular of fruits. Yes, we think of
it as a veggie, but botanists call it a fruit. In Indiana, where I grew up, they are a staple in every garden. Thus, I decided
to grow them here in the tropics. Locally, people think tomatoes are those Tiny Tim types, the size of a ping-pong ball,
but I don't relish that kind. I planted six beefsteak tomato seeds in peat pots in early December. They all came up. I gave
one to a neighbor. His looks like the picture on the right. They are easy to grow, but do require a little LTC. My neighbor
apparently did not give them the loving, tender care that I gave mine. Curled leaves, tiny fruits and weak plants are the
result of too little care given to the plant.